On Saturday, February 13th, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was found dead at a ranch in southern Texas. That alone would qualify the story as a tragedy, since Scalia was a tireless advocate of the Constitution and its original intent.
A brilliant legal scholar possessed of a unique gift for both legal analysis and scathing wit, Scalia often wrote dissenting opinions in cases where the federal government usurped powers not delegated to it, or where the other justices sitting on the court with him took it upon themselves to decide Constitutional questions as if they were legislators. His gift for eloquent defense of liberty and justice, even in the face of massive pressure made him one of Liberty’s staunchest guardians on the Supreme Court.
Found dead of a supposed heart attack at a ranch owned by long time Obama donor and Democrat party hack John Poindexter, questions are rightly being asked at the contradictory and questionable behaviors demonstrated in this case.
Ruled “natural causes” by a judge over the telephone, found with a pillow over his head and his bed sheets unslept in, there are too many uncertainties and contradictions to view this as a “death by natural causes.”
Obama and Poindexter, courtesy Houston Business Journal, August 15, 2010
Continue to page two for more questions over this possible assasination.
Most likely. But they no longer do it with cancer cells. We all caught on to that. They had to change.
In my honest opinion, yes!
Yes I’m Right
I know it Bernie T., I could understand the first election of B.H.O. He even had me somewhat besotted in beginning………but it really bothered me that he didn’t go for the “town hall” type meetings where the “love our country” Americans could ask questions and voice, concerns fundamental to every citizen and their, communities. That was the first thing that struck me and stuck. IT also got my attention when he stated that we are all going to have to sacrifice in order to get things back on track after the unpatriotic thing Bush did by getting this country in such terrible debt. I remember being very curious as to what that might entail, while thinking at the same time , yes ofcourse like sooo many others, I was more than willing to make sacrifices for the cause of the country`s well being, OFCOURSE !!! As time went by I began realizing just what a fine example the Pres. & his family were at toning down expenses where & when he could……..N O T !!!!! (and YES damit, I am taking into consideration that he is, AFTER ALL, the President). This is just a little nic into the innumerable bothersome things !
Yes he did a man with no honor a man that has Muslims working for him a man that the American people don’t believe any words comming out of his mouth. A man that crated isis. A man with no honor a man with lies and deciet.
Did they use that CIA gun that shoots a lil needle dart that causes a heart attack
The stakes are high with this administration…..time is running out and they will go to any extreme. There should have been an investigation far greater than what was done…..I believe something smells in Texas……
Investigate It! Something isn’t right.
Don’t be surprised