We really shouldn’t be surprised, but the Democrats are so desperate to ensure that Hillary Clinton wins the election that they’ve cravenly resorted to deploying the gender card in order to browbeat Americans into supporting her.
Their panic is all the more evidenced by the fact that it was President Obama who invoked that tired old canard. Speaking before many of his liberal comrades at a fundraiser for the former Secretary of State in New York, the president suggested that opposition to her candidacy was motivated not by disagreement with her far-left policies, but by what he perceives as retrograde sexism permeating American society.
By claiming that Americans can’t bear to “see powerful women”, Obama singlehandedly dismissed valid concerns about Clinton’s disastrous record at the State Department to say nothing of her own personal corruption. But hey, at least he’s not being “sexist”, right?
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We are not your Zombies
Billy ( slick willie) ,Hiliary both have lied, people have died, and you want us to vote for a bigger traitor than you Obama?
Nickelback ” that white stain on your dress”!
And he’s a liar and no one has stopped him!
I just do not vote for lying cheating thieving democrats sorry
Who does not support Trump is racist! Take that, Obama.
No we are the smart ones. She’s a crooked lier and we know it
The people who don’t support Hillary are THE TRUE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
Last time I checked I am a female..so because I wouldn’t vote for this particular woman ..its ok to call me a sexist??? Boy I could call u some names but I probably get thrown off fbk!
He is pulling out his whole dictionary for her hoping she will appoint him to the Supreme Court! Isn’t that a scary thought???