When the White House said that Barack Obama would not be attending Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia’s funeral, many at least assumed that he must have had something important to do. His absence was unprecedented, after all, and Obama couldn’t be so petty that he would simply not attend because he didn’t feel like it, right?
Apparently not. Obama didn’t attend the funeral this past weekend, but was seen strolling the White House with a binder full of potential Scalia replacements, instead.
Yes, before the body was even laid to rest, Obama was more focused on replacing the conservative justice with which he never agreed than paying respects to one of the most consequential, important political figures of modern times.
It’s not as if he should be in any hurry. It’s questionable that the person he appoints to replace Scalia will even get a hearing, much less be confirmed.
Obama was at least scheduled to pay respects to Scalia at his wake, but even that trip left many unimpressed. See why on the next page:
LOL, never heard a thing about Bush not attending the justice’s funeral who died when he was president
Really? Didn’t hear a thing when Bush didn’t attend justice White’s funeral
And he did not show up to justice White’s funeral and no one said a thing about that
Obama is an utter disgrace
The haters are going to hate…..we’re wasting our energy on disrespectful and ignorant people.
But the difference Petra is that all presidents have attended sitting Justice’s Funerals. It was wrong and disrespectful. As I said before it was based on Obama’s dislike for Scalia, and his disrespect for Conservatives.
That is because those of us who are capable of forward thinking also read and educate ourselves about facts and not blindly believe what hateful memes and bloggers want us to believe.
Figures. Worst President in US history. Never thought anyone would be worse that Carter.
If it is written on the internets it must be true
Treason for obumba. Treason.Take back our country.