When the White House said that Barack Obama would not be attending Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia’s funeral, many at least assumed that he must have had something important to do. His absence was unprecedented, after all, and Obama couldn’t be so petty that he would simply not attend because he didn’t feel like it, right?
Apparently not. Obama didn’t attend the funeral this past weekend, but was seen strolling the White House with a binder full of potential Scalia replacements, instead.
Yes, before the body was even laid to rest, Obama was more focused on replacing the conservative justice with which he never agreed than paying respects to one of the most consequential, important political figures of modern times.
It’s not as if he should be in any hurry. It’s questionable that the person he appoints to replace Scalia will even get a hearing, much less be confirmed.
Obama was at least scheduled to pay respects to Scalia at his wake, but even that trip left many unimpressed. See why on the next page:
Goes to black panther rally skips out on judges funeral nope nope he’s not biased
I hope he does less harm when he’s on the course!
Worst President in America’s history. Throw him out now.
Get rid of this lousy cowardly scum and his stinking family !!!
He is such a POS president
LOL,you thought you had us fooled again. Right?? Wrong stupid..!!
Hey ISIS…you makin golf balls yet ????
That is your opinion. Not a reason to be disrespecful
I wish just for a minute the judges would for the summer stick a finger in Obama’s eye for doing this to the Country and Judge Scalia and their family. But to much to hope for because for the Democrat Judges they are bought and paid for they have no Honor like Obama..