When the White House said that Barack Obama would not be attending Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia’s funeral, many at least assumed that he must have had something important to do. His absence was unprecedented, after all, and Obama couldn’t be so petty that he would simply not attend because he didn’t feel like it, right?
Apparently not. Obama didn’t attend the funeral this past weekend, but was seen strolling the White House with a binder full of potential Scalia replacements, instead.
Yes, before the body was even laid to rest, Obama was more focused on replacing the conservative justice with which he never agreed than paying respects to one of the most consequential, important political figures of modern times.
It’s not as if he should be in any hurry. It’s questionable that the person he appoints to replace Scalia will even get a hearing, much less be confirmed.
Obama was at least scheduled to pay respects to Scalia at his wake, but even that trip left many unimpressed. See why on the next page:
Just a few more months and his sorry$#%&!@*will be evicted from government housing.
Obama is a disgrace to the USA. he is now an openly admitted Muslim. That alone should remove him from office of President. The Koran says a member must destroy anyone who does not follow Sharia law ( -or something close to that). Our Constitution says anyone following that philosophy must be removed from the USA – or something like that. Thus Obama must be charged and removed from the USA now, and not allow him to do Marshall law or such or any of the other things he does to destroy our country.
Actually, they owned guns but didnt tote them
I’m sure there will be dancing and laughter at Obama’s funeral and a big crowed of those celebrating his demise.
Nonsence ,get it right, hed did the right thing. get the news right!
Openly admitted..drinking the koolaid?
Mark Egbers yes a whole two or three minutes spent there….whoopie!!!
Petra Engle So …that makes it right!
Pig,Pig, Pig Sooey!!! Sooey
No class what so ever.