President Obama has been fabricating facts and stories for so long that perhaps even he cannot tell when he is just making stuff up. Of course the mainstream media facilitates the nonsense by reporting his tales as if they were true, twisting the facts to match the prevarications, or ignoring statements that simply cannot be bent or twisted to match the tale that Obama is telling.
In the video on the next page, even the left wing crowd at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas laughs at the preposterous statements Obama is making, and he rebuffs them for not swallowing the fact-free points without question. It seems even this crowd knows when it is being lied to, even though it supports their traditional narrative.
Watch as Obama completely misstates the truth without the slightest hint of embarrassment, typical of his entire presidency.
See the Obama video on page 2:
We are a constitutional republic tho Obama and his ilk are doing their best to change that…non citizens and illegals should not have the right to vote in this country…requiring identification to vote is not onerous nor suppression…
What an egotistical moran, you are such a liar and traitor
Obama you would not know what a democracy is if it bit you on the$#%&!@*. You are a big feeling pathetic little manchild of Geo. Soros
Ur a lier , u lier failure !!
Zero air time for this useless peace of$#%&!@*stinking up America.
Who crest what you say
Go play golf………
We are the only advanced democracy in the world whose leaders tell blatant lies and are still idolized by their minions.
As a supposedly “Constitutional Scholar” you should know that we were never supposed to be a Democracy, but that is OK because you have made us a Dictatorship.
One lie after another.