President Obama has been fabricating facts and stories for so long that perhaps even he cannot tell when he is just making stuff up. Of course the mainstream media facilitates the nonsense by reporting his tales as if they were true, twisting the facts to match the prevarications, or ignoring statements that simply cannot be bent or twisted to match the tale that Obama is telling.
In the video on the next page, even the left wing crowd at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas laughs at the preposterous statements Obama is making, and he rebuffs them for not swallowing the fact-free points without question. It seems even this crowd knows when it is being lied to, even though it supports their traditional narrative.
Watch as Obama completely misstates the truth without the slightest hint of embarrassment, typical of his entire presidency.
See the Obama video on page 2:
He believes his own lies
Bout a two faced lieing sack of$#%&!@*
He’s a liar and nothing will change.
Stupid fucker don’t even know were a republic or doent want to admit it
Obama the only leader of an advanced civilization that can turn lies into his mind and think he is right. But then that fits his agenda of turning our country into a third world nation by inviting invaders into our country in the knowledge that they will never assimilate into our culture
Via Samantha Jones
“If you are from Houston you may remember when 2 young girls, Jennifer Ertmman and Elizabeth Pena were walking home one evening and we’re abducted brutally raped and murdered. The man was caught and tried, found guilty and sentenced to death. The man had lived here illegally most of his life. A few years later the United Nations World Court with 60 countries siding said Texas violated his rights by not informing him of his right to contact his consulate. George Bush and Secretary Rice ordered Texas to release him to keep peace with the U.N. I can remember how the parents of those girls were so shocked and devastated that this man would go free. Abbott was the state attorney general at the time. One of his junior attorneys went to argue before the Supreme Court. This attorney argued the Constitution clearly states that the United States was a sovereign nation and no oher nation had jurisdiction over our laws. All 60 countries were there arguing against this one attorney from Texas. He won the case and Texas executed the offender in 2005. That junior attorney was Ted Cruz. I have admired and had confidence in him ever since. He will fight the unjust for all of us as well. He is not for the corruption in Washington and they know he will fight them and win.”
As far as voting goes in order to vote you must show proof of citizenship either your USA birth certificate or your naturalization papers making you a citizen showing you took the time to learn about this great country and have decided to assimilate into OUR society. It should be followed up when registering with photo ID with fingerprints and barcode that way to track double voting
It is very sad that the party that claims to be the “super Americans ” are destroying our democracy by suppressing the right to vote; fostering racism and violence, misogyny, and obstructionism. That is un-american and if you are christian and read the Bible, it is also contrary to Jesus’ teachings.