President Obama has been fabricating facts and stories for so long that perhaps even he cannot tell when he is just making stuff up. Of course the mainstream media facilitates the nonsense by reporting his tales as if they were true, twisting the facts to match the prevarications, or ignoring statements that simply cannot be bent or twisted to match the tale that Obama is telling.
In the video on the next page, even the left wing crowd at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas laughs at the preposterous statements Obama is making, and he rebuffs them for not swallowing the fact-free points without question. It seems even this crowd knows when it is being lied to, even though it supports their traditional narrative.
Watch as Obama completely misstates the truth without the slightest hint of embarrassment, typical of his entire presidency.
See the Obama video on page 2:
We are a Republic which means we are a country ruled by laws which for us is the Constitution. That is why Obama shouldn’t be able to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court because anyone he picks would not honor the constitution as is typical of the current liberals on the court. Instead they try to legislate from the bench based on their ideology. As for the voter ID issue, it is ludicrous to think people are at a disadvantage by requiring the show ID. They need ID for everything else.
Fu lil$#%&!@*bitch
We are also the only country that has mass shootings, as he pointed out in Paris two weeks after one of the largest mass shootings to ever take place! There seems to be a pattern here! He has a lot in common with the leader of North Korea! They are both in the habit of making outlandish statements that have no basis in reality! They are both delusional and as such should be committed to a mental institution for treatment!
Trying to destroy America again.
Please let me puke
Go to hell!
We are not a democracy fool, we are a constitutional republic, that has been hijacked by a tyrannical out of control, lawless bullying federal govt/regime headed up by the antichrist
The only advanced democracy in the world to elect a village idiot from Kenya, not once, but twice…….
It’s hard when people vote many times with names of people who are dead like how you got elected fraudulently. That’s why an ID should be required from every voter.