The Obama Administration is once again keeping secrets that American citizens have the right to know. While that’s not exactly anything new, the question being sidestepped by John Kerry is a rather curious one. When asked by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla) how many American citizens and troops have been killed by Iran and it’s terrorist groups since the country’s 1979 revolution, not only did Kerry ignore the question, his answer was completely off topic. And anybody trying to say that it doesn’t matter should stop and think about the fact that Iran is about to have a lot more freedom and access to nuclear weapons after the recently signed nuclear deal.
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Crimanals always try to hide their evil deeds.
That’s because they are responsible for most of them, they think we are dumb but, they are dumb as a box of rocks.
Yes there is Michael. Rocks are not traitors.
They proved that keeping records aren’t their strong suit.
The most transparent administration in history makes one shake his head in disgust.
I say we give them something to do idle hands apparently are not good for these Dodos let’s keep on busy
Because they don’t have a clue.
one sure thing—-the longer he is in office the bigger that number will get
the box of rocks is smarter
Do they even know? Did someone erase their computer by mistake?