The latest gaping hole in the Obama administration’s narrative regarding its underhanded transfer of money to Iran has been exposed, and is it not a pretty sight.
After almost a year of White House insistence that its payment of millions of dollars in cash and foreign currency to the Iranians was necessary because sanctions prevented them from using more conventional methods of transferring money, the Treasury Department admitted last Saturday that it did indeed wire the rogue state money on two separate occasions. This means that the administration was lying through its teeth when it repeatedly claimed that they would not engage in such an action because it was not permissible under federal law.
By remarkable coincidence, the first such payment was made the same month that Obama announced his deal with Iran, giving the country $848,000 presumably in exchange for its “cooperation”.
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Impeach this asshole
This should be the final straw for treason.
So why in the hell is he still walking around as our president as soon as this is found out he should have been arrested and put in prison he should have been taking out of the office it’s ridiculous they got all this s*** saying he did that he did that because he is a president he still gets to stay there only 4 more months only 4 more months for them to destroy the United States you’re letting him get away with it he needs to be taking a prison like right now we will survive with that it will probably be way better off all by the way while you’re doing that put him and Hillary in the same cell in the same population not in a political prison in a regular prison like everybody else in general population and we’ll see how long they last
And by the way why is that f****** Flag next to my American flag that is
gee look a traitor & muzzie.
Oh boy.
John Kerry is a traitor to his country along with everone in the Obama administration
It’s time to Trump all your dumb asses