It will only be a couple weeks before we see the last of President Obama, but he is doing his darndest to make sure the government he leaves behind is the most powerful in the nation’s history.
As arguably the most progressive president in recent memory, Obama has overseen the extension of Washington’s tentacles into areas and realms where they have no place. From Obamacare to Hobby Lobby, the White House has seen to it that Americans lost control over their health, businesses, and any number of other facets of their lives. Even the institutions that undergird our democracy itself have come under attack by this administration.
Whereas Obama and his fellow liberals used to belittle people who voiced even the slightest concern over voting irregularities, the administration has suddenly decided that not only is there a problem with our electoral system, but that the government – that is, his government – has to do something about it.
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hahahahahahaha..its been certified by every one required to do so..whatever he tries will be null and void
Just how stupid does you think we are?
There is only one way into the kingdom of Heaven, that is thru Gods Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. One must be born again, baptized and hear the word of God to receive the Holy Spirit to please God. With all the many sins that are sinned only one sin can not be forgiven. It will cost you Hell. That is blasphemy ( denial ) of the Holy Spirit. “Now just what does this mean”, if you don’t believe in the Son of God and be reborn again, you will inherit the most feared place ever known to man, Hell. I thank God for creating hell because of my forever love to the Son of God.
We believe in God our Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, creator of Heaven and Earth; and in Jesus Christ, Gods only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. Then after three days arose from the dead to live forever.
Heavenly Father, within the powers and strength of your gracious will within the knowledge and understandings of your Holy Spirit, thank you for protecting us and providing the desires to do and be that you would have us be and do within the moments in time. We so dearly love You, need You, patiently seeking your face, our Rock, our Fortress and our deliverer; O’ God, both Alpha and Omega, our strength in whom we trust, the foundation of our faith, our buckler and the horn of our salvations, our high tower and our refuge, our savior and creator of all things, our Father. amen
Time to get rid of all the muslim in goverment
The Election is “OVER” Dumbasses
11 more days and there will NOT be an obummer Admin ANY LONGER !!!
He only took it for two weeks,means s**t
Erase him from history. Biggest mistake in ever!!!