It will only be a couple weeks before we see the last of President Obama, but he is doing his darndest to make sure the government he leaves behind is the most powerful in the nation’s history.
As arguably the most progressive president in recent memory, Obama has overseen the extension of Washington’s tentacles into areas and realms where they have no place. From Obamacare to Hobby Lobby, the White House has seen to it that Americans lost control over their health, businesses, and any number of other facets of their lives. Even the institutions that undergird our democracy itself have come under attack by this administration.
Whereas Obama and his fellow liberals used to belittle people who voiced even the slightest concern over voting irregularities, the administration has suddenly decided that not only is there a problem with our electoral system, but that the government – that is, his government – has to do something about it.
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Same kind of attitude with those in authority at the USPS. Another swamp that needs cleaning.
Not worth$#%&!@* Political wet dream and nothing more. Ennui.
And all of these Crooks that he put into place will make mistakes and will be prosecuted as well as him
They an’t taking over sh** come the 21st this Muslim loving a** hole is fired.
Don’t frett, not enough time for them to do anything. Plus congress has installed a no action bill on Obama after the electoral vote on the dec 19 th . Obama has no authority for anything .
Obama shows proof direction must been read at the Democrats bus millions of illegals to Holy places and 30 I negative ads Brigette electronic voting booth to give Hillary extra votes Democrat still lost the screws election is rigged how else could they have lost
Every thing you do will be undone
He will be gone as soon as Trump takes office
The fact that people here believe this f**e news b******t is proof positive of how stupid you are.
The DHS is full of Muslim Brotherhood and needs to be gutted