It will only be a couple weeks before we see the last of President Obama, but he is doing his darndest to make sure the government he leaves behind is the most powerful in the nation’s history.
As arguably the most progressive president in recent memory, Obama has overseen the extension of Washington’s tentacles into areas and realms where they have no place. From Obamacare to Hobby Lobby, the White House has seen to it that Americans lost control over their health, businesses, and any number of other facets of their lives. Even the institutions that undergird our democracy itself have come under attack by this administration.
Whereas Obama and his fellow liberals used to belittle people who voiced even the slightest concern over voting irregularities, the administration has suddenly decided that not only is there a problem with our electoral system, but that the government – that is, his government – has to do something about it.
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Can they legally do this?
These post are making us our own worse enemy.. We need to stop to. I’m soon going to be 60, I have seen a lot of good and a lot of bad in my lifetime. I normally don’t go public, but I am hoping what I say will help influence the good that’s still left in people. These post on sights , true or not, are fueling more problems then need be, Him, you , them , those, me are being consumed by commenting on the fire they are fueling. If there is criminals , then let them serve their time when caught doing the wrong they do, but we that are hopefully still human need to stop reading, and bashing each other over these stupid post. They light the fire and your letting them consume you and let post cause even more hate.. Is it not time if we have any decency left as human to go on living our life like normal people do, is it not time to Quit bashing each other and start going on with loving our family and friends , working our jobs, and try to enjoy our life and be happy again , that we woke up and still have a life to live. If We do not STOP saying and doing the things we are doing because of post, we are only doing what they are trying to make us do, cause more hate for one another.. God help us if we can’t control ourselves and go live our life as normal as possible. Americans need to take control of themselves and stop fueling fire with more fire. It’s time to get back to living our lives, and hope for better days ahead, it’s time to be human again and Quit letting post ruin your pride and integrity , it is time to prove to yourself you are above and better then this nonsense going on.. If we can’t move on living our lives , then I feel sorry for the outcome it brings upon anyone who can’t be human , by deciding enough is enough. Go live your life to the fullest and do what’s right for yourselves.. Quit jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.. Or it will consume you and you won’t know what Happiness is anymore.. Negativity only creates hate.. Go be positive and live your life. Time is to short to be drawn into drama and let it ruin YOUR LIFE.. I hope this helps as many as possible so you can truly be Proud of yourself again…
Two weeks from now trump will bleach the stain from the government’s skivies.
This is a frick n Joke
Another Obama dirtbag
What part of “It’s Over” does Obama and his goons not understand.
Wolf in the hen house
What a disgrace
This goat humping Muslim needs to go to heaven and get his virgins. Lol
Just another joke