It will only be a couple weeks before we see the last of President Obama, but he is doing his darndest to make sure the government he leaves behind is the most powerful in the nation’s history.
As arguably the most progressive president in recent memory, Obama has overseen the extension of Washington’s tentacles into areas and realms where they have no place. From Obamacare to Hobby Lobby, the White House has seen to it that Americans lost control over their health, businesses, and any number of other facets of their lives. Even the institutions that undergird our democracy itself have come under attack by this administration.
Whereas Obama and his fellow liberals used to belittle people who voiced even the slightest concern over voting irregularities, the administration has suddenly decided that not only is there a problem with our electoral system, but that the government – that is, his government – has to do something about it.
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The POS in this Picture is a MUSLIM POS!!!
Crooked sobs
100 pct paperballots,and I’d required
This is what they’ve been trying from the beginning, but it doesn’t sound legal!
LOL!! Got any popcorn left?
Just another stunt by the whiny, poor loser who is the worst POTUS ever. He is just making a bigger fool of himself with his childish outbursts and trying to cause problems for the incoming POTUS. Just proves how weak, selfish, uncaring, unthinking, ridiculously childish he really is.
They are all idiots!
It’ll last about 10 days.
They will all be gone before long and Trump can and will straighten this out as well as everything else obama has messed up!!