The Obama administration is getting ready to crack down on one of the most pressing problems our nation faces today: salt.
Yes, you read that right. Salt. In a world where Islamic extremists have established an intra-state caliphate and America’s European allies reel in response to waves of migrant hordes, the president has decided that the most effective use of his time and power is lowering the amount ingested by Americans of a certain substance.
Under a new policy introduced by the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday, the federal government will seek to reduce the amount of sodium in 150 categories of processed foods. While this is good news for the health hysterics on the left, it’s bad news for companies that use the substance to enhance the taste of their products as well as Americans who happily consume them. The targets are said to be optional, but the massive pressure stemming from the FDA for the food industry to”voluntarily” adopt them will likely cancel out this display of “benevolence.”
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Morgan…fact: the National Debt has doubled during the Obama administration.
Fact: in an interview he referred to “my Muslim faith”
I declare war on pepper
He a transvestite from Transylvania!
Salt must be causing global warming
Now he can say he declared war on something other than the US.
Step down
There no more Obama administration
Morgan…. You’re a fucking idiot.
And he is a racist, fucktard Muslim. Open your eyes you pinhead.
If the shoe fits wear it!!! He os a muslim and an enemy of our country and you are on drugs to even take sides wirh him your just a useful idiot but i gaurantee if the muslims took over you would be the first to say why did our country go down why so much innocent lives being taken why is our economy fucked like a little spoiled cry baby, and all you obama lovers will never take blame for anything you will blame everything else