Obama’s Justice Department released a new training video to law enforcementĀ this week. Predictably, it has nothing to do with how to effectively police the nation. Instead, it’s nothing more than liberal garbage.
The video took a break from Obama’s usual practice of bashing the country’s “systemically racist” cops in order to address the administration’s other favorite topic — transgender bathrooms.
Yes — While police are being killed in the streets as anti-cop movements gain steam throughout the nation’s inner-cities, Obama’s Justice Department remains occupied with using proper gender pronouns for transgender people. Oh, and letting men use women’s restrooms, too.
This obsession is becoming a little too much to bear at this point. Why is Obama so obsessed with transgender rights? The world may never know. Still, it seems to be the only topic about which he has any passion left.
See the State Department’s video on the next page:
We need everyone to follow our laws.
come on Ovomit…really? don’t you have something better to do? like bashing Americans?
if the police ignore the laws they are going to have a lot of transgenders on their hands for abisem by regular citizens.
How many young girls will need to get raped before they realize that allowing men into the ladies room in a BAD idea. They say “Oh But the poor transgenders need a place to pee.” WELL SURPRISE the transgenders themselves have admitted that they have been using the ladies room for year with out any problems….A few facts….. Fact #1 The N.C. Bathroom controversy was started by a man who is A CONVICTED SEX OFFENDER….Fact#2 Pedophiles are using this to make our young girls victims. Two that they know of so far ,have taken videos of young girls (one was 8 and one was 10) using a public restroom in a store and sold them (the two men were arrested for child pornography which was how they were caught and how it came out.) #3 Rape is not something that is “Over in like 20 minutes” as that college kids Dad would like you to believe. No it is a life time sentence for the girl. No Obama started this to shift the spotlight off of himself so he can destroy the fabric of our country even more. Men do not belong in the ladies room but I guess only a rape and then perhaps a murder of the rapist will convince you that this is a very bad idea.Because I know for a fact that if my daughters or grand daughters were ever raped in a public restroom the rapist would not live long enough to go to trial.
Just go to hell. Any man comes in the restroom with me or mine better watch out.
AMEN !!!!!
The entire Justice Department will be without a job in January.