Obama’s Justice Department released a new training video to law enforcementĀ this week. Predictably, it has nothing to do with how to effectively police the nation. Instead, it’s nothing more than liberal garbage.
The video took a break from Obama’s usual practice of bashing the country’s “systemically racist” cops in order to address the administration’s other favorite topic — transgender bathrooms.
Yes — While police are being killed in the streets as anti-cop movements gain steam throughout the nation’s inner-cities, Obama’s Justice Department remains occupied with using proper gender pronouns for transgender people. Oh, and letting men use women’s restrooms, too.
This obsession is becoming a little too much to bear at this point. Why is Obama so obsessed with transgender rights? The world may never know. Still, it seems to be the only topic about which he has any passion left.
See the State Department’s video on the next page:
What is this bs!!!!!?
We have no president, there fore no federal laws
damn fools.
Scumbag n his goons need to get the hell out n let the cops do their job , obuma never been our president but a fraud from kenya to destroy our country anyway he can, his own family admitted hes from kenya, racist pos Treasonous traitor
Obama asking our law enforcement to avoid our laws!
This isn’t Flippin’ news !!
My response would be (GO TO HELL)
Go straight to hell Obama, you terrorist, murderer, liar, thief, racist muslim, GO TO HELL,
Impeach his dumb A
As usually the administration has it backwards. Local law enforcement should be ignoring federal law.
come on Ovomit? really? don’t you have something better to do?