Obama Administration Approved of Flynn’s Calls to Russia

According to the FNIC and the Democrats, Trump is guilty of collusion (at this point in time) only because…well because they say so!

Let me point out that the FBI itself reviewed all the phone surveillance it had between Flynn and Kislyak and even back in January when everything was still fresh and new, the FBI concluded that there was nothing unusual or suspect!

It’s important to note that not only did the Obama administration clear the calls, but the FBI under then-Director James Comey found no evidence of wrongdoing in making contact with Russian officials back in January.

What makes this even more hilarious is watching the FNIC panic and backpedal from the very egregious errors and sloppy journalism that has marred this investigation and its transparently biased coverage from the beginning.  Here’s an example of how idiotic this coverage has been.

ABC, in its effort to get the story out faster than lightning, then had to retract, correct, and re-correct its own corrections and retractions in order to be “technically” accurate!  This tweet says it all:

Read on the next page about the assessment of this situation of Flynn’s admission by Conservative talk radio show host, Rush Limbaugh, who is a genius with words and explains how this whole charade proves exactly why Trump is not guilty and will be found by history to have done absolutely nothing wrong during the election!

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