At a White House press conference, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that “common sense gun control” the way to discourage potential jihadists like the San Bernardino shooters from getting their hands on weapons.
The point Josh Earnest seemed to miss was that a pair of jihadis who are able to procure their weapons on the black market are not going to care what Obama or any politician of any party has to say about gun control. “Gun free” zones do not apply to people with an intent to kill, and gun control laws are not going to prevent radicalized killers from getting their hands on weapons.
Find out more about the press conference on page 2.
What an$#%&!@* He’d love to take our guns, then his mus-slime brothers could wipe us and our freedom out that much faster.
I sure could use an “idiot” button
Idiot don’t believe
that is funny as hell ignorance is in the white house
Ovomit putz!
The only way to deter terrorists is to shoot them before they blow you up.I love how all these guys who are protected by heavily armed secret service agents claim guns aernt nessessary.Did someone say hypocritical Demonrat?
What did he say!!