When a Christian decides not to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding the grounds that it goes against their religion, they are sued for refusing to do the job. One would think that the same would happen when a Muslim truck driver refuses to make a delivery of alcohol because it goes against his religion. He would be sued for refusing to do his job.
Apparently. this isn’t the case. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The employer is being sued for asking them to do it in the first place.
This double standard is crazy, but probably not that surprising. While the Social Justice Warriors of the world will pounce on any opportunity to tear down Christians and ridicule religious liberty legislation, they run to the defense of any non-Chsitrian in similar predicaments, ignoring the irony that the circumstances are exactly the same.
Of course, perhaps the biggest misguided Social Justice Warrior in the world is Barack Obama himself, which explains why his Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is behind the legal proceedings.
See the full report on the incident on the next page:
Government screwed up trucking in 60’s
Not sure how u can force sharia law on a trucking company.
Obama cannot force Sharia on us b/c we are a constitutional Republic.
He is a traitor put him in prison
It’s really simple. If you are hired by a company and except an offer from placement, and you know that the company buys in trades and cells or transfers products that are made of pork but are with leather that I had all Cahall whatever it is that might be against the so-called Old Testament, and you except the job offer, and you know that I could be a mixed batch of materials that you are delivering,you should not be able to sue company for infringing on your rights. You waved imposed self infringement when you hired on
Attention Democrats: Please refrain from using the words “idiot, stupid, or dummie” while referring to president elect Donald Trump, since his I.Q. is a 156, the highest measured in presidential history. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Thank you, —–The Republican voters.
F**e news!
Shouldn’t be in trucking then
January 20.