When a Christian decides not to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding the grounds that it goes against their religion, they are sued for refusing to do the job. One would think that the same would happen when a Muslim truck driver refuses to make a delivery of alcohol because it goes against his religion. He would be sued for refusing to do his job.
Apparently. this isn’t the case. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The employer is being sued for asking them to do it in the first place.
This double standard is crazy, but probably not that surprising. While the Social Justice Warriors of the world will pounce on any opportunity to tear down Christians and ridicule religious liberty legislation, they run to the defense of any non-Chsitrian in similar predicaments, ignoring the irony that the circumstances are exactly the same.
Of course, perhaps the biggest misguided Social Justice Warrior in the world is Barack Obama himself, which explains why his Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is behind the legal proceedings.
See the full report on the incident on the next page:
Greg, just because they are Muslims we don’t give into them. They signed on to work. What happens if it’s meat?
try to find good drivers
1.first they were black and couldn’t count
2.then they were Mexican couldn’t read. or count
3. then it was Russian , argumentive, crude , boozer
4. now camel humps (muslim
Wrong, wrong, wrong! Obama’s actions must be reveresed! Sharia is NOT legal here!
obamas digging a hole he might not be able to climb out of
No one can enforce Sharia Law because it doesn’t exist in the USA!!!
I hate to believe this is true, but it probably is, with king o, the muslim in the White House
How did a simple civil case get kicked into federal court jurisdiction ?
Do what your job requirements are . U knew before u took the job.