When a Christian decides not to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding the grounds that it goes against their religion, they are sued for refusing to do the job. One would think that the same would happen when a Muslim truck driver refuses to make a delivery of alcohol because it goes against his religion. He would be sued for refusing to do his job.
Apparently. this isn’t the case. In fact, the exact opposite is the case. The employer is being sued for asking them to do it in the first place.
This double standard is crazy, but probably not that surprising. While the Social Justice Warriors of the world will pounce on any opportunity to tear down Christians and ridicule religious liberty legislation, they run to the defense of any non-Chsitrian in similar predicaments, ignoring the irony that the circumstances are exactly the same.
Of course, perhaps the biggest misguided Social Justice Warrior in the world is Barack Obama himself, which explains why his Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is behind the legal proceedings.
See the full report on the incident on the next page:
It’s is against the Constitution Period, no one can force anything like this on a given company. So I say B.S. On this f**e tibit.
Screw sharia law
This is totally wrong
One more reason Obama’s policies will be shown the door!!
check these truck out ?
Remember, Sharia law is banned by the US United States Constitution, Article VI, para 2. Anyone for sharia law is seditious to the US Constitution and should either leave the USA immediately or be brought up on charges of treason.
I dont understand. If the rag head doesn’t want to do his job then he just doesn’t get any more deliveries. It the logisticts manager is smart the driver will be forced to quit do to lack of work. Got to be smarter than the morons working for you.
Obama sure has some balls just lacking in the brain department. I am pretty sure those diaper heads knew about the liquor loads when they were hired. Just keeps sticking his nose where it doesn’t belong. Pos