It used to be that a man in a woman’s restroom was cause for arrest. Now, not letting a man use a women’s restroom will get you in hot water — and from the Obama Administration, no less.
Apparently, a woman’s right to safety and privacy takes a back seat to the rights of transgender men and women who will get their feelings hurt if they’re forced to use the bathroom assigned to their sex.
The fact that the Obama Administration would bother meddling bathroom rights is ridiculous in its own right, but its made even worse when you consider that the laws the administration claims are being broken don’t even exist.
Of course, that isn’t stopping Obama and his people from harassing employers who don’t subscribe to the president’s bathroom vision for America.
See who the administration is targeting on the next page:
Make’s no scence. if he’s a male use the males restroom.
Good luck dummy, did you teach Constitutional law?
Impeach him ((( NOW )))
Truth And Action i don/t give a dam if he has a p***k he will not go in bath room with my kids and my kids will not shower in school and if they need to use bath room they call me and i will take them where its just 1 room
What company? We should support them.
The hell with ovomit.
like i said , SICK
Just stirring —-!¡!!
There is a Constitution and it’s laws & protocols to follow. You are not King, nor have you any human decency,nor dignity nor class.