The Department of Justice has stepped in to file a lawsuit after a local zoning board denied a Muslim organization a permit to build a school. The lawsuit was filed against Pittsfield Charter Township in Michigan on Monday, Oct. 26, by the government’s Civil Rights Division.
The DOJ is claiming discrimination, although the city council’s reason for denial was due to traffic concerns, primarily.
This case is an another example of the over reach demonstrated by the DOJ. The city council held open sessions allowing for citizens to voice their concerns. The city council after taking into consideration all the concerns, voted to deny the Muslim Academy being built.
This was not about a Muslim Academy, it is about the additions the Academy proposed to build in addition to the academy. A huge prayer hall and community center was additionally proposed after the fact. Not only would these additions bring a traffic issue, questions remained about the additions which did not fit the population of Pitsfield Township’s Muslim population.
More on the DOJ lawsuit against Pitsfield Township in Michigan next page
Wow! No wonder why Barry Satoro must confiscate all firearms, so Americans will be helpless to stop the Islamic drive to take over America.
ANYBODY know why islamic people don’t like to eat pork, it’s because they like porkbutt…
No a Christian wouldn’t so Obozo should be arrested and tried for treason for many more reasons than this! F islam and may obozo and his buddies be executed for treason real soon! I hope I can help!
you did the right thing. do not let the muslims push you around.
Scum bag why is the over21 juhdist camps now in America, I’ve seen them with my own eyes and Obama is ignoring them why???????
time to start burying pigs on the land, that will stop them
they have to go by our law are rule in our country if they want their law and religion then they need to pack up and leave our country they have no bussiness sue anyone this is america not iran
no they would not get this
strange people all are asking for special rights not equal
No because we do not have a true American for president