The Department of Justice has stepped in to file a lawsuit after a local zoning board denied a Muslim organization a permit to build a school. The lawsuit was filed against Pittsfield Charter Township in Michigan on Monday, Oct. 26, by the government’s Civil Rights Division.
The DOJ is claiming discrimination, although the city council’s reason for denial was due to traffic concerns, primarily.
This case is an another example of the over reach demonstrated by the DOJ. The city council held open sessions allowing for citizens to voice their concerns. The city council after taking into consideration all the concerns, voted to deny the Muslim Academy being built.
This was not about a Muslim Academy, it is about the additions the Academy proposed to build in addition to the academy. A huge prayer hall and community center was additionally proposed after the fact. Not only would these additions bring a traffic issue, questions remained about the additions which did not fit the population of Pitsfield Township’s Muslim population.
More on the DOJ lawsuit against Pitsfield Township in Michigan next page
Savages in the Whitehouse
Terrorists in the White House!
Impeach Obama
Never in the history of the United States has their been so many Militias.. It may be time you seek out and find one in your state…It could save your lives and the constitutional rights of America..There is a silent war going on in America and is being done with the consent of Americans that do not Question or look around and listen… The forefathers warned us that it would happen and it would be up to us to be the American Militia as they were……..
Obama and Hillary Approved: What Islam Shariah Law/Religion offers Society……mmmmm
Islam Shariah Law/Religion Offers Beheadings, Burning People Alive, Female Genital Mutilation, Hostage Taking, Honour Killings, Slavery, Oppression of Women, Jihad Killings, Pedophilia, Rape, etc!
Stop all this favoritism for Muslims!!!
Move a pig farm right next to it
they shouldn’t be building schools peroid they’re illegal should be sent back
Pore hog blood all over the land!
No Islam in this country.there is no place for it here…