One of the many disturbing features of the current election campaign is the use of federal government agencies and funds to promote voter registration and participation among groups that can be identified as those most likely to vote for candidates sympathetic to the administration’s agenda. In other words, if specific groups of immigrants can be identified as likely to vote Democrat, various agencies such as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, use federal funding and resources to get those folks registered to vote.
Hence what we have here is a federal get-out-the-vote campaign among individuals identified as most likely to vote for Mrs. Clinton. At least in this instance, Hillary probably isn’t personally orchestrating this corruption of the voting process. She can leave vote-rigging in competent government hands while she spends her time overseeing a campaign to discredit those who inconveniently point out scandals that she is directly involved in, or health issues that keep cropping up.
How much of your money is spent on this?
That’s where they get the extra votes!! Sleezy!
Getting him out of office will save us billions
They are not citizens so they have no right to Vote !!!! TREASON !!!
Treason is a crime perpetrated against the AMERICAN People and hasn’t OBAMA perpetrated enough against AMERICA already ???
Of course. We the American voters knew this. The only way that$#%&!@*bag pos can win. Vote Trump. There still needs to be a landslide
Congress ain’t gonna do jack. This is part of the money grubbers agenda
Only US citizens can vote. This is just as illegal as them being here. We are now a nation of crimes not laws. Congress better stop this.
Immigrants can’t vote unless they have US citizenship!
What ?????
All illegally hear