The Obama Administration isn’t even trying anymore. After our lame duck President weaseled his way into a second term, and made it past the midterm elections — where his party got clobbered — our so-called Commander-in-Chief can’t even pretend to feign interest in our service men and women, or the conservative patriots that support them.
The latest proof comes from a White House press briefing conducted by Josh Earnest. While the administration continued it’s public obsession with the Flint water crisis, not a peep was offered about the U.S. Navy Seal killed in Iraq last week. Apparently, making boogeymen out of Republican governors takes priority over our involvement in the Middle East.
Maybe if we find out that the person who killed our Navy Seal was a Republican, they’ll begin to care. Until then, the radio silence will likely continue.
Still, the media managed to drag out a forced mention of the topic during Q&A. See the administration’s lackluster response on the next page:
douche bag
What a disgrace this man is !!! The sooner the Obama’s are gone the better !!! Everyday closer and closer until they ALL leave !!! LPB.
just more disgrace on his part
well the government did it then
shame on you all in congress
Weasel is one of the better descriptions I have for him, the other is between Michelles legs, cand get no uglier than that can you black puss????? Disgrace to humanity, thats you coward!!!
Hell, he hired Latino’s to come in and$#%&!@* and spill all that junk in the drinking water to kill off his own to hold down the his own population so he can have all the pooooontang for himself!!!! Selfish SOB aint he???
The word weasel is too good for this person
Impeach Barry’s traitorous$#%&!@*