The whiner-in-chief is once again promoting divisive rules and administrative punishments on businesses who, he claims, are compensating women unfairly for their work. The president, who has never run a business or made a payroll in his life, apparently has discovered that there are countless evil employers intent on holding women down and handing out extra cash to male workers simply because they are male. For the smartest man in America, Obama is simply not attuned to human nature or logic.
The claim, long discredited, says that women make only 79 cents for each dollar that a man makes, and ascribes the difference to discrimination. Of course Obama seems to see discrimination everywhere he looks, so this is not a surprise. But honest research shows that the differences are easily explained by a number of aspects that exist between male and female employment.
Males tend to accept and work more dangerous jobs such as mine workers and oil field workers, jobs which pay more than less dangerous jobs.
Men devote more hours to work, while many women take on the burden of child rearing, which prevents the 80 hour weeks some men are willing to accept.
Men build tenure over years, while women sometimes take time out to rear families before returning to the work place.
Jobs requiring travel, which can be well compensated, are not attractive to many women because of the time away from home that is required.
Women often make career choices in fields that are not as well compensated such as teachers aid or retail clerk.
More on equal pay rules, page 2:
federal govt has no authority to pry into private sector operations…..
What a loser and a disgrace. Always sees what he wants to see in everything and needs to keep his hands away from businesses when he knows nothing about how to run anything!
We are indeed at a fundamental crossroads in America, especially as it pertains to the upcoming Presidential election… QUESTION: Will we remain a nation, which is underscored by individualism and personal responsibility or will we “CHANGE” into a nation that is accentuated by unhealthy collectivist beliefs and dangerous liberal ethnocentric ideologies? My fear is that the socialist elite class (both Democrat and the Republican impostors) have entrenched themselves so deeply into the fabric of our political and public information institutions over the last 50 years that it may be too late for America to return to the values of which it was founded… Electing a democrat as president, especially Hillary Clinton – who would consider appointing President Obama to the Supreme Court – would result in fundamentally and permanently “changing” what America is today. Worse, electing self-described socialist Bernie Sanders, who has called for “revolution” in his political stump speeches would no doubt lead to communism in America. In either case, America will not be a better place under a democratic President for this very simple reason: it is impossible to sustain the heavy entitlement system that is associated with socialism without a heavy handed government controlled police state, which is needed to forcibly “redistribute” the wealth & property of its citizens to fill the government coffers needed to fund the social entitlement system – this is obviously a very evil cycle of destruction. Clearly, the Founders did not intend THIS for our great nation…If we elect a democrat as President – socialist politicians hell-bent on power like Clinton and Sanders (or worse in the future) will be free to extort their liberal ethnocentric beliefs and disastrous collectivist ideologies on our nation – unchecked – in the end, this will no doubt cause our cherished government of the people, by the people, for the people to “perish from the Earth” FOREVER… to avoid becoming a “useful idiot” – VOTE WISELY!
Google and Facebook will bow to their violations in privacy rights King for sure.
Obama has really been turning up the heat in his last year. Keep your eyes open for his grand finale. It won’t be pretty. I just hope it doesn’t go as far as martial law so he can cancel the election and remain in power.
Good grief…this pos really thinks he is the Emperor ?
He needs to just butt out of peoples business, period.
Refuse, they have no legal authority.