The whiner-in-chief is once again promoting divisive rules and administrative punishments on businesses who, he claims, are compensating women unfairly for their work. The president, who has never run a business or made a payroll in his life, apparently has discovered that there are countless evil employers intent on holding women down and handing out extra cash to male workers simply because they are male. For the smartest man in America, Obama is simply not attuned to human nature or logic.
The claim, long discredited, says that women make only 79 cents for each dollar that a man makes, and ascribes the difference to discrimination. Of course Obama seems to see discrimination everywhere he looks, so this is not a surprise. But honest research shows that the differences are easily explained by a number of aspects that exist between male and female employment.
Males tend to accept and work more dangerous jobs such as mine workers and oil field workers, jobs which pay more than less dangerous jobs.
Men devote more hours to work, while many women take on the burden of child rearing, which prevents the 80 hour weeks some men are willing to accept.
Men build tenure over years, while women sometimes take time out to rear families before returning to the work place.
Jobs requiring travel, which can be well compensated, are not attractive to many women because of the time away from home that is required.
Women often make career choices in fields that are not as well compensated such as teachers aid or retail clerk.
More on equal pay rules, page 2:
Keep your nose out of America’s private business. You have ruined enough.
This evil wicked vile president is in everything and everyone personal business. Never seen a president do so much b******t. He a Antichrist. He will be destroyed forever.!! Read what Nostradamus says about world leaders.evil wicked leaders bent on controlling everything. This new world order. Obama went to the united Nations asking for a new world order.!! And asking them to put him as one world leader and one world government.!! Russia and others nations rejected him.Putin and Russia and America will not be ruled by a black islamic bastard. He is a Islamic Antichrist. All islamic followers are all antichrists. All of them will be destroyed. By islam fools about islam ideology.!! Destruction of islam will be destroyed the$#%&!@*!
What a P***k!!!! Still F$%#$#g with the American Business and Americans in general… IMPEACH HIM NOW!!!
I’ve been posting the comment below for months now and just found this trailer a few days ago,……..
A MUST see movie, If they allow this to air it will be the biggest movie of the year!
(original comment)
It goes even deeper…..European countries being terrorized by Muslim refugees while their leftist/liberal government tells them to be more tolerant and pushes Facebook to “crack down” on post that portray refugees in a negative way. Facebook agreed, while at the same time allows ISIS to use its site to recruit new members.
The UN has a plan for a new world government, and now on the FBI terrorist watch list
” Evangelical Christian Extremist”
The current Obama administration with his sights set on a position in the UN, is creating situations that will cause economic failure, civil unrest and division between the people while at the same time creating an unresolvable debt and flooding the country with problematic “refugees” that will collect government aid and create more civil unrest. When it gets bad enough he can declare a state of emergency, instill Martial law and justify asking the UN forces to step in. When NATO forces are patrolling our streets……
It’s hard sometimes getting your point across to the another side , if the another side is not willing to look in to your side for a moment … and it would be frustrating being the BG, ” The Big Guy on Top” show some respect if not for the man for the Office… They American way …
No commie/muslim is going to dictate my life.
SUUURRRRRRRRRRRRE it’s for equal pay!
Can we throw this worthless POS out of office yet! I’m really tired of all the BS going on!
Obama days is coming to his end forever.hell is where he going forever.God is a enemy of islam .read what God does to the islamic nations. And also against the islamic followers. Islam prays to a black stone in mecca,and it have the number of the Antichrist. All the islamic nations are the beast in the bible.and it terrible end by God himself. God declare war on islam itself and all islamic followers will be destroyed forever .!!it will come after the prince.!