In the latest display of ineptness and downright stupidity – or perhaps aiding and abetting the enemy – the FBI will now place some ISIS suspects in therapy in an effort to stop them from becoming violent. They state that they won’t make an arrest until the suspect turns dangerous.
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Throw them in Guanranamo and forget them!
Are you kidding me. why do people always say you have a mental problem because you won’t change your beliefs and ideology to their standards. those people believe in thier religion. it has nothing to do with mental health. religion always play a role and always will. that is why you have to mindful of a persons at$#%&!@*ude toward something because of it.
Muslims do this to Famiy members… what do you think thay will do to your grand child?? Are thay Not Thinking!
Muslims have been the same throughout history. Thay will Never change.
Ridiculous and disgusting ! I wonder how the FBI feels about this.
A little lead will kill or cure, as Elsie Hicks used to say.
Waterboard them!! How is that anyworse than Liberals killing and selling Dead Babies!
And conservatives will be arrested as dissidents.