In the latest display of ineptness and downright stupidity – or perhaps aiding and abetting the enemy – the FBI will now place some ISIS suspects in therapy in an effort to stop them from becoming violent. They state that they won’t make an arrest until the suspect turns dangerous.
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Internment Camps / Concentration Camps!!! America is at war with Islam through out the world!!!! U.S. of America his radical Muslims Islam attacking America and their business and attacking mutilating and killing American people!!!! Their should be Internment Camps for racial against Non-Muslim and Bigot Islamic Muslim!!! Profiling is a necessity to save American lives…
Problem Americans would think that President Obama wants these camp for radical Islam!! You would be very wrong President Obama wants these camps for those that want to fight against Radical Islamic.
That muslim terrorist maggot ought to get some for himself
Ya’ll need a good ol fashion rendering!!
Does that surprise any money that the Islamic sympathizer is going to do this
Lol…just undeniably idiotic!
And try to find ’em jobs, no doubt.
Should be seeking counseling for themselves.
Hug a terrorist therapy !
Just shoot them.