In the latest display of ineptness and downright stupidity – or perhaps aiding and abetting the enemy – the FBI will now place some ISIS suspects in therapy in an effort to stop them from becoming violent. They state that they won’t make an arrest until the suspect turns dangerous.
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eventually we’ll do the right thing, probably in the next administration, after trying everything else first
Counseling? Good Grief….maybe legal counsel…then capital punishment.
Only problem is that with them venting is there what threat death to America!!!! For real… Come on now!!!!!!
Counseling ? W.T.F.
Another way that Obama doesn’t deal with the evil and terrorism of Muslim extremists and shelling out more Social Security funds to pay for counselling that doesn’t work.
Totally unconscionable!!!
Are you freaking kidding???
Inject them with 9mm of lead to the base of the skull. Sure thing to cure all!