Investigating how well the both the State Department and Department of Homeland Security have been doing at repatriating immigrants to their countries of origin, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee made a shocking discovery: many of the countries involved refused to take their citizens back. So instead of pressuring them to accept responsibility for their citizens’ actions, the Obama administration decided to simply release said immigrants, despite the fact that, according to ICE deputy director Daniel Ragsdale, “a substantial number” of them are guilty of committing serious crimes.
Putting an exact number of the amount of criminal aliens now roaming the country at will thanks to the administration, Iowa Rep. Rod Blum estimated that 13,511 have been released from federal custody since 2011.
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shoot them and save everyone some money
Their his biggest supporters.
His party needs the votes.
He is going to see how much more he can really$#%&!@*up before he is finish we have not seen$#%&!@*YET get ready because we just see a little bit what he has done just open your eyes and you are going to see one big$#%&!@*Disaster Hell its all over America now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perfect….just in time to vote the democratic ticket
Obama is registering criminals to vote!
He’s trying to get everything in place as fast as he can…..
ObamIslam and his gang are Anti-Americans and Traitors. And what is the penalty for Treason again?