Just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday the Obama admin is set to release 3,415 new, suffocating federal regulations under “The Federal Unified Agenda.”
EPA regulations have now shut down hundreds of coal plants in order to, as they claim, limit greenhouse gas emissions to ‘fight global warming’, which is highly likely to greatly increase electric costs.
But that’s not the most oppressive EPA regulation coming down the pike…
Please publish all regulations in every newspaper in the country, not just the federal register.
Anyone else notice how evil he looks in most of these pictures?
He want be they letting him get away with everything got some dem and congress in White House want do anything they all in together to destroy american
Is the new $3.00 a gallon for gas and diesel tax still to go into effect Jan 1, 2015?
So how is marriage a basic fundamental right, but water is not? why is nobody doing anything about this?
He looks so evil here.
I smell new world odor.
Who does he think he is
There is no way they can enforce these stupid regulations on the U.S. Citizen’s! We need to have a huge revolution against Federal oversight!!