Just ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday the Obama admin is set to release 3,415 new, suffocating federal regulations under “The Federal Unified Agenda.”
EPA regulations have now shut down hundreds of coal plants in order to, as they claim, limit greenhouse gas emissions to ‘fight global warming’, which is highly likely to greatly increase electric costs.
But that’s not the most oppressive EPA regulation coming down the pike…
Got to get rid of Obama , he sucks
Get Ride of the Muslim Tyrant POS and Congress too if they dont start Acting like Americans !!
Soon we may be taxed on the air we breathe. Assinine!
arsnic $#%&!@*tail perhaps.
more and more like nazi germany every week!
way past time to regulate, defund, and shut down stupbama
Obama plans on writing a book- “The Fall of America”
Impeachment NOW… What is wrong America … Impeachment.is the only way ..