The carefully-crafted story around the Obama administration’s secretive transfer of $400 million to Iran has crumbled under the weight of its own implausibility.
The White House has been in hot water for the past week due to the revelation that it sent millions of dollars worth in foreign currency to Iran the same day that the rogue nation released 4 Americans it was holding hostage. President Obama has denied up and down claims that the money was a ransom payment to secure the release of the prisoners, but new information raises serious questions about the president’s story.
As Breitbart News discovered, the administration recently paid a staggering $1.3 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of the deal which saw them transfer the initial $400 million.
When asked how exactly they sent it to the Iranians however, they administration officials proved evasive and refused to answer.
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Hillary Rotten Clinton can have the President, Vice President, Tim Kaine and her husband build her up all they want, but she’s still a crook and a liar and should be in jail. No matter what she has done they try to convince you that she a good choice for President, My Grandfather use to tell me you can not polish a$#%&!@* The Democrats have made their choice and it’s a bad one but it is all they have now so they just look the other way. With all her corruption, lies, turning her back on Americans in Benghazi, sending classified emails through unsecured servers, etc. this women just can not be our President! I would vote for Al Capone before i voted for this lady! Hillary is evil! She doesn’t really care about anybody making fools out of blacks and hispanics in the DNC e-mail’s that have come out. All the lies about Bernie trying to rig the votes between the democrats! Wow! Unbelievable!! I still believe in Justice but it sure seems slow in coming to her! If she did get away with it all here one day she will face a higher power. What will she say then about all the crimes she has done? She won’t be able to say “Can’t you wipe it all clean with a cloth or something? She hasn’t had a news conference with questioning reporters in over 276 days so she doesn’t have to keep all her lies straight or answer any questions about her actions!
Why give are enemy money? so they can kill us? obama pushing muslim brotherhood to far, he hates America and the police i can see that.
There is and has been a lot more money flowing to countries that hate us than what they tell you. Trump is right !!!
Fruit cakes
and they complain about trump’s taxs, which are being audited, so if there is something wrong with them it will be caught
If Wyoming secedes, I will go there. It is cold, but it would be safe. Otherwise, I am thinking southern Mexico. It is cheap living, warm and all the “bad” Mexicans will be here. 😉
Listen to the speach from JFK and then make your judgement on this criminal activity…
The carefully-crafted story around the Obama administration’s secretive transfer of $400 million to Iran has crumbled under the weight of its own implausibility.
The White House has been in hot water for the past week due to the revelation that it sent millions of dollars worth in foreign currency to Iran the same day that the rogue nation released 4 Americans it was holding hostage. President Obama has denied up and down claims that the money was a ransom payment to secure the release of the prisoners, but new information raises serious questions about the president’s story.
As Breitbart News discovered, the administration recently paid a staggering $1.3 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of the deal which saw them transfer the initial $400 million.
When asked how exactly they sent it to the Iranians however, they administration officials proved evasive and refused to answer.
Article III, section 3 of the Constitution “Any person who levies War against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with Arms, Troops, Transportation, Shelter, or Classified Information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.”
Under such Hillary and Obama has committed such with Benghazi, supplying arms to what is now ISIS.
Hillary has compromised classified information.
The Iran Deal has a subversive act of weakening the power of the United States.
The firing of long standing generals who oppose Obama’s leadership is weakening the power of the United States.
Anyone who supports the Iran deal are also in contempt of this provision in the constitution.
The President undermining and allowing illegal aliens in this country, has allowed criminals in this country, including ISIS members with oncoming ‘refugees’ and open borders…providing aid and comfort to these people. Clinton and Bernie sanders on National Television stated they want to give aid, free housing, free college to these illegal aliens and refugees. Such is all considered treasonous under our constitution for undermining the safety of this country and its citizens.
ONE POINT THREE BILLION tax payers dollars from our county that is already struggling to stay afloat but we are told to be concerned with Trumps tax returns . SAD.