The carefully-crafted story around the Obama administration’s secretive transfer of $400 million to Iran has crumbled under the weight of its own implausibility.
The White House has been in hot water for the past week due to the revelation that it sent millions of dollars worth in foreign currency to Iran the same day that the rogue nation released 4 Americans it was holding hostage. President Obama has denied up and down claims that the money was a ransom payment to secure the release of the prisoners, but new information raises serious questions about the president’s story.
As Breitbart News discovered, the administration recently paid a staggering $1.3 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of the deal which saw them transfer the initial $400 million.
When asked how exactly they sent it to the Iranians however, they administration officials proved evasive and refused to answer.
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Kerry and Jane Fonda proved years ago that they hated America. It started with Vietnam and continues to this day. Why else would Obama have him there.
More lies, so how is that transparency working out to the American people ??
Wheres our Useless Congress
John kerry is a dirty snake.
Hate him
What would happen if nobody knew anything, and Trump went to the Whitehouse and started getting rid of Muslims in government positions and people he said were communists? The media would go nuts, the Democrats and establishment Republicans would try to impeach him…
General William Boykin, Admiral ( Ace) Lyons, Lt Colonel Tony Shaffer, Clair Lopez CIA intelligence specialist, Frank Gaffney, head of Center for Security policy, DHS whistle blower Philip Haney, and Representatives that have been vilified, say that the Muslim Brotherhood as infiltrated every level of our government to the highest positions. Admiral Lyons and Clair Lopez said, at Benghazi we switched sides on the war on terror. The Pulitzer prize winner Seymour Hersh said Hillary was involved in the gas attack on children in Syria. Through the freedom of information act and Judicial Watch and email leaks you will soon see more and more confirmation of the criminality of this administration. It will include the gun running operation through Qatar to Libya to take down non sharia Muslims and clear the way for a gas pipe line through Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria, Turkey…all countries that have given millions and millions of dollars to the Clinton foundation. Taking down non sharia Muslim governments with fundamentalist operatives. The Koran calls Muslims who do not follow sharia hypocrites who will go to hell. The Koran says Allah is the greatest of schemers. The great scheme is world wide sharia.
This is so overwhelming ( it barely scratches the surface) that it taxes the mind. Especially for liberals that are so emotionally driven and are crazy glued to their way of thinking . You would have to condition the entire country to it before hand, letting them own it, letting them investigate it for themselves. People that know Trump think he is a genius. Even Chris Matthews seeing how he is running this campaign called him a genius. He took down a lot of very worthy people and received a record number of votes. He placed names on his opponents that people started repeating on their own. Lying Ted, crooked Hillary, boring Jeb… Is he making what appears to be outrageous statements and exposing the entrenched globalists as part of a plan or is it happening happenstance? Is he purposely taking the hits in order to destroy the blindness political correctness has caused, being a patriot trying to save his country?
He knows he is up against the NWO. He knows his life is in danger. He knows the power of the media, the NWO, the globalist Republicans and those who are out for themselves simply trying to get elected are against him.
The media falsely accused him of mocking someone who is disabled. The movements that Trump made when he mimicked a reporter trying to get out of a lie, were an expression to show how the reporter was trying to save himself. Yes the reporter did say there were people on roof tops praising the destruction of the towers on 911. Trumps movement had nothing to do with the mans disability. They purposely froze the frame on Trumps picture at the moment his hand bent into a position that resembles the paralysis of the reporter. The man has a condition that resembles paralysis. “There is no movement.” Trump made the same movement once when talking about how Ted Cruz lies mimicking Cruz.
Trump was not called a racist until he started his run for the presidency. The party of slavery has become the party of psychological slavery and race baiting in order to secure the voting block. Trump sued the cronies in Florida for not allowing blacks and Jews into their clubs. He sent them the tape of the movie guess whose coming to dinner, which is a movie about race relations. He was helping woman break the glass ceiling before it became a hot issue. He treats woman like he treats men. Ask the minorities that are closest to him if he is a racist. Because a member of the KKK endorsed him this does not mean he accepts the endorsement. He renounced the guy over and over again. Because a Muslim who follows sharia who has a son who is a terrorist and mass murder supports Hillary, does that mean she supports him…
I have been posting on the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration and what Hillary has been involved with for around a year now. When I started posting there was virtually nothing on it on the internet. Now it is being exposed everywhere, Fox News is talking about it, the liberal media is talking about it in the context that it is outrageous, but they are still talking. The silence has been broken. This is the greatest step. The cat is out of the bag.
You beat the liberal media at their own game and make them work for you. Trump has gotten billions of dollars of free publicity because the liberal media has no choice but to put him on camera so they can attack him. Now it is so obvious that they are all in the tank for Hillary that the illusion is gone. People are simply beginning to tune them out. The globalists have no clothes.
A Mexican judge who can create a conflict of interest due to the fact he supports open boarders is used to open up a huge narrative about illegal immigrants and building a wall. People correct the false narrative and began to own the concept of the need to build the wall and began to focus in what is truly coming across our boarders.
You say in the middle of the DNC convention that whoever has the emails should release them and do something outrageous mentioning Russia so that the focus on Hillary and the DNC, changes to emails and corruption. Liberal pundits sitting with the DNC stage in the background saying email email email over and over again. Even though the Russians could not hack into the server at the time because it did not exist at the time Trump said it. You also get to put the leash on the liberal machine and make them refer to hacking into the server to obtain classified information when the only emails that were supposed to have existed were about yoga lessons, grocery lists and talking to Chelsie.
Trump had praise for Mr. Kahn’s son but knowing what is going on in the world He saw through Mr. Kahn. Trump has people on his team who know what we are up against. Mr Kahn advocates sharia law and makes a living bringing Muslims into the Country. What happen with this so called slip of the tongue. People started investigating sharia. All of a sudden the danger of what is going on in this country is brought to light. Watch my right hand not my left. Keep your focus on terrorism while encroaching sharia occurs through out the country through political jihad. Mr Kahn’ s media blitz was political jihad. Europe has over 80 sharia courts. General Boykin said Europe is done. If we do not wake up, America is only around 5 years behind.
Migration saturation or civilization jihad, political jihad, insurrection war submission to sharia. The process will never change. Turkey was 90 % Christian before Islam.
Trump calls Hillary and Obama the founders of ISIS , the blind media feeding off their own egos acts aghast; yet is salivating…we got him! This has gone too far. So the words ISIS. HILLARY OBAMA ARE SPREAD ALL OVER THE AIR WAVES. …then people start investigating. They follow the money of the weapons purchases and connections with low and behold…the Clinton foundation. At the same time General Flynn who was the State Departments expert on ISIS who they never had one meeting with says yes, Obama is essentially the creator of ISIS. FOIA releases through Judicial Watch then confirm the same information, then Julian Assange says that information is in the emails….an entire barrage of information is let out on social media…
By the time Trump gets into office do you think the world will know why he and Chris Christy are trying to formulate a legal plan to purge our government of subversives?
His staff are all foreigners…they are simply stealing our money…and Congress is simply allowing it. May they burn in Hell.
Go President Trump!
The military should arrest them all.
They are stinkers!