The carefully-crafted story around the Obama administration’s secretive transfer of $400 million to Iran has crumbled under the weight of its own implausibility.
The White House has been in hot water for the past week due to the revelation that it sent millions of dollars worth in foreign currency to Iran the same day that the rogue nation released 4 Americans it was holding hostage. President Obama has denied up and down claims that the money was a ransom payment to secure the release of the prisoners, but new information raises serious questions about the president’s story.
As Breitbart News discovered, the administration recently paid a staggering $1.3 billion to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of the deal which saw them transfer the initial $400 million.
When asked how exactly they sent it to the Iranians however, they administration officials proved evasive and refused to answer.
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every one of them should be locked up in prison for treason
Never thought I would see the day an American president and secretary of state aid terrorist.
Time to go directly to Jail – – – and no Money !!!!#
One thing these idiots forget – it’s not THEIR money, it’s OUR money!
they dont want to be involved . Lazy . nothing happening to them why should they stand up . They will wait till it happens to them and then start crying .Preventative maintenance. And bt they way thats our money that thieving s.o.b. is giving away .
Nice background there in this picture with a room full of Muslims what a joke
Kerry(Moron Clueless Idiot); Obama (Racist Muslim$#%&!@*Traitor) ; Clinton ( Dbag Hag$#%&!@*Killer) All approved Miney To Terrorists !!
That burnt bastard can’t deny that information. Not legally anyway.
String the burnt MF up from the highest cottonwood branch you can find
Sounds guilty to me