The Obama Justice Department should be charged with obstruction of justice as it attempts to keep the conservative legal watchdog, Judicial Watch, from effectively carrying out its the Freedom of Information Act open records case regarding Hillary Clinton’s private server use.
A motion was filed to oppose the Clinton deposition, claiming that Judicial Watch was expanding the scope of the lawsuit. However, this motion smells more of a cover-up than a legitimate argument of abuse of power on the part of JW investigation.
The FOIA case was initiated as a way to gain access to documents that were relevant to the Benghazi cover-up and the subsequent email server, as it relates to Hillary Clinton. The Justice Department, however, argues that the request to interview Clinton is “wholly inappropriate”.
Protecting Clinton from the inevitable only adds to the Justice Department’s collusion in this cover-up. There is no transparency or desire for the truth in Obama’s administration. Read the rest on page 2.
Treasonous all
he is protecting her so she can win and he can be named as scotus or get a seat in the un which should be disbanded
Bunch of scum bag’s
Of course he is, who do you think was a part of all these things going on.
One traitor covering another one
He cannot do any of this by himself. The entire Senate and House of Representatives is complicit in this as well. They are all corrupt and have to go.
Karma is a bitch
death penalty
A criminal protecting a criminal this is liberal Democrats socialists corruption