On Monday, members of the Obama administration arrived in Mexico City to attend the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference. John Kerry signed the ATT on September 25, 2013, but it wasn’t ratified by the U.S. Senate.
But that isn’t important to the Obama administration, they are attending anyway.
A little think like Congress will certainly not get in the way of Obama’s gun control agenda.
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UN has no control over me.
sorry , but no treaty will be recognized by the American people that goes against our American cons$#%&!@*ution. p**s off Obama, nice try though
Yeah, hey genius, I’m pretty sure the Pentagon is smarter than you all and the U.N. probably more so,. That being said, I’m also fairly certain that they would have already run the scenarios and have calculated your resistance. Therefore, having concluded that the human cost of military force for a m$#%&!@* mandatory gun grab would be to severe, have permanently cancelled any plans for a gun ban.
Come try to take guns from us. It will be your huge mistake that starts the second American revolution. There will be more deaths than any war yet. Do you really want that? If so you don’t truly care about America.
How is that James
In 1961The UN made a bill PL87-297 to merge the US Cons$#%&!@*ution into the UN to make a world Cons$#%&!@*ution cir$#%&!@*venting our Cons$#%&!@*ution/ Bill of Rights
Sorry Wade, you and Chad are Socialist in mentality and of the Minority in this Country !!!! Read the Posts, we aren’t all wrong and it has nothing to do with our “toys” !! It has Everything to do with our Guaranteed Freedoms in THIS Country, NOT some New World Order !!!!
We need to drop out of the UN and move their meeting place to another country. It’s time the United States of America, land of the free stands up to any nation who wants to disarm us!
Really? Discuss and BLAH BLAH BLAH all you want….” Shall NOT be INFRINGED”……..put that in your pipe and smoke it…..
Blue helmets for target practice. Save a fortune not buying clay pigeons.