On Monday, members of the Obama administration arrived in Mexico City to attend the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference. John Kerry signed the ATT on September 25, 2013, but it wasn’t ratified by the U.S. Senate.
But that isn’t important to the Obama administration, they are attending anyway.
A little think like Congress will certainly not get in the way of Obama’s gun control agenda.
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Those of you who claim you will die keeping your guns are going to get that chance. As for me, well im just gonna keep them guessing.
F¥€k the UN. And screw obuma.
He hasn’t yet but he always trying his damdest tho get them.That’s his communist agenda.
to bad the next pres donald will throw it out and hussein barry can be charged with murder of americans and genocide from chemical bombs in syria thats why the other countries didnt fall for his lies and deciet and he should be on deathrow any way -he’s probably $#%&!@*ting himself if donald takes leadership the thing hussein barry isnt
f##k him and the camel he road in on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
There is NO America, no more than there are China, Korea or Russia,
The bill 1961 PL 87-297 merged the US Cons$#%&!@*ution/ Bill of Rights into the UN (Cir$#%&!@*venting them)
Hence, the reason why James Weise mentions there is no Admin that speaks for Americans. ..namely, Congress or government.
There are 193 countries under the UN umbrella,
The UN see themselves as the PEACEKEEPERS of the world and will seize every weapon from all states and nations.
Hence, the run on the guns “DISARMAMENT” all the f**e staged fbi patsie shootings ie, Waco, S.Carolina, Boston bombings etc explosions around the world ie, Tianjin, China, Russia, Egypt, Japan, Bangkok etc, then introducing UN Martial Law in these locations etc or why Obama won his Nobel Peace prize award.
Next stop by September 14th the US. Which will be cyber attacked and emp’ed by its UN military occupation “JADE HELM15 …currently occupying America!!! (Comprised of UN soldiers, Russia , China etc The US will blame China so WWIII can escalate.
Do you get the picture?
The UN in essence will attack America and blame it’s other counterparts but in truth there is only one enemy the Private Central Bankers “The Bank For International Settlements ” vs the people of the world .
This is Agenda 21 NEW WORLD ORDER. ..Order of the Vatican!
No, I think that Chad just realizes that there are more than just white male paranoid Americans who think that the government is going to take all your precious toys so you talk all tough and anti government because that’s better than talking about how to be a responsible gun owner, so he is presenting the idea that Obama ACTUALLY DOES speak for Americans when he tries to have a civilized dialogue about a common sense approach to dealing with a certain portion of the American populations obsession with all things guns that goes well beyond common sense, freedoms, and just what should be considered immoral. Hunting, and self defense are one thing, having a small armory is another.
Come and take it, we’ll die to keep em!
Waaaaaah. Paranoia and fear for the uninformed and like it that way.
Hey I have an idea, instead of asking a stupid question on Facebook, why not research it for yourself, find out some actual facts and maybe learn something in the meantime rather than spew idiotic incoherent hate speak that proudly displays your apparent lack of integrity.