On Monday, members of the Obama administration arrived in Mexico City to attend the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference. John Kerry signed the ATT on September 25, 2013, but it wasn’t ratified by the U.S. Senate.
But that isn’t important to the Obama administration, they are attending anyway.
A little think like Congress will certainly not get in the way of Obama’s gun control agenda.
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He best give up on this c**p.
it’ll never happen there are to many unregistered guns out there,there is no way they could find them all
The United States should be defending the self-evident right to self-defense with firearms for ALL people in ALL governments !!
He`s Talking Fast & Furious
The U.S. has a Cons$#%&!@*ution.the U.N has Constipation…..and you all know who EXLAX is!
Just so he can weaken our country even more.
Molon Labe, Muzzie.
Our Cons$#%&!@*ution over rides any President from making any Treaties!
Yeah right the UN is going to change our Cons$#%&!@*ution and laws for us…lmfao I don’t think so!