On Monday, members of the Obama administration arrived in Mexico City to attend the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) conference. John Kerry signed the ATT on September 25, 2013, but it wasn’t ratified by the U.S. Senate.
But that isn’t important to the Obama administration, they are attending anyway.
A little think like Congress will certainly not get in the way of Obama’s gun control agenda.
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In informed? Fear?lol,sounds like your afraid of the truth ,do some research on a.l.e.c. and you’ll see who’s paying him and writing his bills wade… lol ,and sorry I won’t sapport anyone who breaks amarican laws or the cons$#%&!@*ution,because by all definitions there traitors sterling from Americans ( insider trading)(push investments) investing into losing stocks in witch the manipulate which is criminal,like Hillary Clinton who’s fundaising $#%&!@*istant is tied to Iran banks,shes a traitor thru and thru,you need to watch the actual congressional meeting to be informed,not the media spins lol
fyi alec is a non profit where congressional vote along side corporations on bills that are written by corporations, and the congressionals get paid to bring them to congress,why do ya think obama couldn’t tell ya what is in his plan? because he never even read it ,all he did was sign it …………so please before you make a statement about anyone ,do your home work.
the reason americans are being hosed is because not enough people prescribe to reality f.y.i. ,the truth is often not what people want to hear.
That is low