A few months ago, Donald Trump claimed that the American political system was rigged. As usual, the mainstream media claimed that Trump made the accusations because he was a “sore loser” preparing for his inevitable defeat in the general election.
A few weeks later, it was revealed that the Democratic National Committee actively tried to push Bernie Sanders out of the Democrat race and hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump was right — but he never got an apology. Instead, the left and the media continued to call Trump’s accusations an irresponsible “conspiracy theory.”
Well, they’re going to have a hard time remaining consistent now. Obama’s own White House is now weighing in on the matter, and they don’t seem as convinced as Trump’s detractors that an electoral hack won’t occur. in fact, they’re preparing for it.
See what the White House had to say about the possibility of a Russian hack on the next page:
He is doing the same thing he did last elections rigoing them for killery
Put the fox in charge of the hen house. Really?? We all know who is behind voter fraud and it definitely is not Russia.
I pray and hope Paul Ryan and Congress will step in and Actually go by our laws for once and stop this corruption!!!
The title should read the Obama administration” is looking into rigging the election”.
Seen the pictures of voting boxes filled with clinton votes in the warehouse in ohio, can see how the obama admins preparing
Obama and his minions are trying to rig election for Hillary…. evil, scammer
Especially if Hellary loses the election. Damn the democrats to hell. They are all liars and criminals!
He better watch out the american people are fed up with tbese corrupt traitors
he would know sisnce he rigged it!