A few months ago, Donald Trump claimed that the American political system was rigged. As usual, the mainstream media claimed that Trump made the accusations because he was a “sore loser” preparing for his inevitable defeat in the general election.
A few weeks later, it was revealed that the Democratic National Committee actively tried to push Bernie Sanders out of the Democrat race and hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump was right — but he never got an apology. Instead, the left and the media continued to call Trump’s accusations an irresponsible “conspiracy theory.”
Well, they’re going to have a hard time remaining consistent now. Obama’s own White House is now weighing in on the matter, and they don’t seem as convinced as Trump’s detractors that an electoral hack won’t occur. in fact, they’re preparing for it.
See what the White House had to say about the possibility of a Russian hack on the next page:
His election was rigged everyone knows it so will this election everyone knows it
God won’t allow it. He will be removed when his term is up. Trump will be the next President and we will take our country back. This is just properganda put out by Clinton’s campaign to get people not to vote. Don’t fall for the hype.
Sadly, Illinois (both Obama and Clinton stopping grounds) are so politically corrupt through what is known as “the democratic machine” that we cry foul when a dead man votes only once.
Typo they meant to say looking very closely at rigging the election.
Now they will look into it Why??? Because it may benefit Trump some how and they can’t have that.
If he fixes this like he fixed everything else, the election will be rigged all over.
The FBI & DOJ are nothing more than a Corrupt Crime Family with George Soros and the Clintons as the Bosses of that crime Family. Organized Crime at its finest…. Hillary for Prison in 2017
this is how obama will keep trump out,if trump wins he will say they found tampering with the votes for trump but if it is hilliary they will do nothing.
You woud have to be an absolute moron to not know the election will be rigged. It is every time. The democrats can only win by rigging they have such poor politcians.