A few months ago, Donald Trump claimed that the American political system was rigged. As usual, the mainstream media claimed that Trump made the accusations because he was a “sore loser” preparing for his inevitable defeat in the general election.
A few weeks later, it was revealed that the Democratic National Committee actively tried to push Bernie Sanders out of the Democrat race and hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump was right — but he never got an apology. Instead, the left and the media continued to call Trump’s accusations an irresponsible “conspiracy theory.”
Well, they’re going to have a hard time remaining consistent now. Obama’s own White House is now weighing in on the matter, and they don’t seem as convinced as Trump’s detractors that an electoral hack won’t occur. in fact, they’re preparing for it.
See what the White House had to say about the possibility of a Russian hack on the next page:
dont trust obama thats my thoughts
Yes they are looking very closely at rigged elections. They are the ones doing the rigging.
This idiot thinks he can turn the oversight of the internet to Global interests RIGHT BEFORE THE ELECTION, and pretends to be worried about election rigging?! Are you kidding?!
Rigged for the Democrats.
do not listen to a word coming out of any worthless democrat’s mouth—they are all Anti-American traitors–every damn one of them……………
Do you know what a written report is? That is what I meant. BFD..
not much rigging to it … they’ll just do what they have twice before
This antiChrist was totally unprepared for how much he is hated. The majority tollerated him but now it is time to defeat him and his gay legacy. We should declare a national holiday when he and moochelle leave the WH and send the message loud and clear “NEVER AGAIN” for someone like him! Once the WH is fumagated we can install a true patriot and American Donald J. Trump and reverse everyone of obumos EO’s.!!!!!
You are doing the rigging and want us poor sheep to think you are concerned. I am so sick of all this corruption – we are worse than a third world country.