A few months ago, Donald Trump claimed that the American political system was rigged. As usual, the mainstream media claimed that Trump made the accusations because he was a “sore loser” preparing for his inevitable defeat in the general election.
A few weeks later, it was revealed that the Democratic National Committee actively tried to push Bernie Sanders out of the Democrat race and hand the nomination to Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump was right — but he never got an apology. Instead, the left and the media continued to call Trump’s accusations an irresponsible “conspiracy theory.”
Well, they’re going to have a hard time remaining consistent now. Obama’s own White House is now weighing in on the matter, and they don’t seem as convinced as Trump’s detractors that an electoral hack won’t occur. in fact, they’re preparing for it.
See what the White House had to say about the possibility of a Russian hack on the next page:
He needs to be investigated by trey gowdy
why am i not supperised? lol
the FBI must stop him from doing any rigging of any election since he has said he will do anything to win.
obama is a sack of poo…he’s trying to sell the US down the river to the UN
He’s more then likely trying to figure out how to rig the election
If he tries that is voter fraud…jail time
Of course he would say that.. if Hillary loses he thinks he can void Trump as president by saying the Republicans rigged the election and if Hillary wins then Trump will say the the same but will not have any power to void it or overturn. Then the next step would cause a “civil” unrest and Obama would declare his martial law and remain president. ..
They want to steal election from Trump
In actuality the constitution says no election having to vote for your president but then again what government official goes by the constitution anymore…. Its sad.. 🙁
Not something New.