President Obama continues to amaze with his callous disregard for the health and safety of the citizens of the United States and his reckless and cynical open borders policies that guarantee citizens will pay a huge price for his actions. His decisions are truly strange, as if his objective is to damage the country, with little detectable benefit or upside to many of his mandates. It has always been a policy of the United States to protect citizens from communicable diseases. The public cost in treating such diseases is enormous, so there was a very clear and logical reason for vetting new immigrants and preventing entry to those who could infect and spread diseases to the public. That was, and should be, one of the main jobs of the president, to protect the public from unnecessary risk and harm.
Obama seems to think that the more harm and damage the better. Early in his presidency in 2009 he ended the policy of banning people with HIV from entering the U.S., even though we have the highest rate of HIV infection of any developed country in the world. Perhaps that was a nod to the gay lobby, or perhaps a mechanism to help bring this country down, but whatever the reason, it was surly not in the best interest of the citizens nor something that they would have agreed to if asked. But Obama is an arrogant and unfeeling prince, and so his dictates are carried out, regardless of the impact to the people or the harm it may cause. Now he has opened to gates to more immigrants that can and will cause damage to the health and welfare of the nation, and there seems to be no way to prevent it’s implementation.
See page 2 for immigration disaster:
He truly wants to destroy us before he leavrs
There is absolutely no logical reason to drop this ban, unless you are set to destroy our country and little more. He’s a traitor and should be impeached
this is a willful decision, a murderous decision which will affect and may kill, American people. So this is a criminal action toward the American people from their wicked muslim president. He still lies about being a Christian while 3 christians refugees enter opposite to 10.000s of syrians, muslims,are invited by obama. Those Christians are being massacred he knows it, but his ” heart” and compassion go to muslims. He still believes that no one knows better and that everybody is drinking his wicked coolaid.A fool.
This idiot must be stopped, where are our patriots, I am a 75 year old woman and am willing to fight if needed, where are the younger ones to help WE THE PEOPLE?
Gee, I thought he knew history. The Pilgrims brought disease to the Indians. That was 500 years when medicine e was not really medicine as we know it today. Shots and pills for everything. We have to have shots before going to a foreign country, as well as a passport and Visa. We,as a people have no say in anything.
Obama does not love America…
If there is any truth to this, Congress had better stop it!
pretty bad when you have to vaccinate you dog before you put it on a plane or go to another country !!
He is evil!
Keeps getting worse than you ever imagined…