President Obama continues to amaze with his callous disregard for the health and safety of the citizens of the United States and his reckless and cynical open borders policies that guarantee citizens will pay a huge price for his actions. His decisions are truly strange, as if his objective is to damage the country, with little detectable benefit or upside to many of his mandates. It has always been a policy of the United States to protect citizens from communicable diseases. The public cost in treating such diseases is enormous, so there was a very clear and logical reason for vetting new immigrants and preventing entry to those who could infect and spread diseases to the public. That was, and should be, one of the main jobs of the president, to protect the public from unnecessary risk and harm.
Obama seems to think that the more harm and damage the better. Early in his presidency in 2009 he ended the policy of banning people with HIV from entering the U.S., even though we have the highest rate of HIV infection of any developed country in the world. Perhaps that was a nod to the gay lobby, or perhaps a mechanism to help bring this country down, but whatever the reason, it was surly not in the best interest of the citizens nor something that they would have agreed to if asked. But Obama is an arrogant and unfeeling prince, and so his dictates are carried out, regardless of the impact to the people or the harm it may cause. Now he has opened to gates to more immigrants that can and will cause damage to the health and welfare of the nation, and there seems to be no way to prevent it’s implementation.
See page 2 for immigration disaster:
TREASON. …….!!!!!
Some of these Germ Warfare agents are out there. Russia and this country have them. No cure. We can only hope ISIS don’t get there hands on them. Those Radical Muslim Terrorist Bastards will use them in a heartbeat. This would be worse than a Nuclear War.
And all their deceases will spread everywhere, we are doomed, if we can’t stop this!
WAKE UP! It’s getting late!
I read that OBAMA gets the most death threats everyday than any president in American history. IM SURE WE CAN SEE WHY.
That’s why we gave Ellis island . It was to gather immigrants coming in ,check them for communicable diseases and check their papers ( oh what a novel thought) and them give them entry,or not.
A servant ofvthecanti-christ, bent on destruction of any good thing.
Dam, he knew it then and we are still ignoring the reality.
Alex I’ll take political impersonators for 600;
This leader fooled a nation first by stating that he was a community organizer while claiming to be a Christian and then underhandedly escalated their debt to 19 trillion dollars and tossed their economy into a downward spiral by causing their job growth to shrink, squandering funds on failed programs, forced 49 million of its citizens to be on welfare or fraudulently cheat the healthcare system and then secured these atrocities by using the social media to restore violent racial tensions so brutal that the law enforcement of his country could not control this problematic generation he helped to create
who is Barrack Hussein Obama
that is correct
Alex I’ll take political impersonators for 800;
Although she used IRS to persecute the women sexually involved with her husband, had several informants murdered, gave special privileges to potential enemies that funneled large amounts of money into her family owned foundation, unlawfully allowed some classified information to go unprotected and deleted the evidence that identified those documents, was found guilty of being dishonest and untrustworthy but by winning the electoral vote she became first female president of this super power nation
who is Hillary Rodham Clinton
that is correct
Alex I’ll take toppled nations for 1000;
This country lost its sovereignty and was driven into third world status by electing political imposters that became puppets to the Crown Empire of London who ordered them to ruin and dismantle their government by causing the moral fiber to crumble and allow hate groups to terrorize and vandalize its cities, invade it with refugees from the middle east that have conflicting religious beliefs and establish a judicial tyranny that would restructure their election process by removing the right to vote and confiscating the firearms from its citizens to allow for the formation of a dictatorship
What is the United States of America
that is correct