When nearly every card you have in your deck is the race card it tends to get overplayed quite a bit. Such is the case with our divider-in-chief, who — along with the First Lady — have often claimed that race holds them back. Yeah, I’ll let that sink in.
Yeah, I’ll let that sink in. You’ll excuse me if I don’t shed too many tears for the man who occupies the most powerful office on the planet.
But, for the left it is all about labels. If you disagree with Barack Obama’s policies it is because you are a racist. If you demand that the media hold Hillary Clinton responsible for her record it is because you are a sexist. If you think a family business should have the right to their religious beliefs and not be forced to cater a gay wedding, well, you’re obviously homophobic. Oh yeah, and if you want a secure border and a thorough vetting process for refugees you’re racist and Islamaphobic.
It’s a bad joke that never ends, and get a load of the latest punchline. Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has now declared that if a landlord denies rent to a felon — you guessed it — that landlord is a racist. To read more about HUD’s new guidelines, and how you might be a racist without even knowing someone’s race, continue reading on the next page:
get out
Then let him rent to them.
This man has been one of the stupidist presidents he don’t know right from wrong or don’t care
We will gladly send them to your neighborhood
So you are saying all felons are non-white?
Obama administration, you are racist for all your divisive actions and hate of the people.
So he said felons aren’t white?
YOU, Mr. President are a racist!
Is he saying that felons are black???
He could not create anything but a mess. Treason for this imposter.